Gardens In Oban

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Gardens In Oban

Gardens In Oban

There are more gardens than these.

Achnacloich – Taynuilt (pronounced ach-na-kloych)

These are open under the ‘Gardens for Scotland’ charity scheme. Very nice formal and informal gardens, woodlands and lochans. It takes about an hour or more to go round. They also sell plants, in particular rhododendrons. Well worth it, if you only visit one garden, make sure it is this one.

10 minutes by car. From Taynuilt take the A85 to Oban, past Fearnoch you go under a railway arch, and it is immediately to your right. There are yellow signs up from the main road when it is open, usually in the spring only.

Barguillan’s Angus’ Gardens – Glen Lonan, Taynuilt – 01866 822 333

Also under the ‘Gardens for Scotland’ charity scheme. A woodland garden with many places to sit in peace, pondering over the lochan and a play area for children. Open all year, 0900 to 1800 – no facilities.

10 minutes by car. From Taynuilt cross over the A85, taking the minor road on the left of Taynuilt Inn. Continue up this road, past the nursery turn right onto the track, signed to the Garden. Where the track bears left carry straight on and park here.  Dogs allowed.

Ardanaisaig Gardens (pronounced ard-na-seg)

Lovely gardens on a loch side position, with an enormous walled garden. Direction as for hotel, see teashops.

Kinlochlaich Gardens(pronounced kin-loch-lee) – Appin –01631 730 342

A combination of garden centre and walled gardens. Very friendly. Entrance fee by donation. Open all year 0930 to 1730 Mon to Sat in winter Mid Oct to March, and 7 days during the rest of the year. The website has extensive photos of plants and flowers throughout the year.

30 minutes by car. From Taynuilt turn right onto the A 85, turn left in Connel signed to Fort William. Over the Connel bridge, 20 km north you enter the village of Appin, and it is at the far end, signed to turn to your right.

Arduaine Gardens (pronounced Ar-doo-nie) – 01852 200 366 National Trust for Scotland

You can use Tesco vouchers here if you apply for them in advance. Set up last century as a haven by a Preston-Campbell (from Inverawe), these gardens are rich in rhododendrons, woodland and formal areas. There are many benches and look out points to take in the stunning view over the bay. The hotel serves excellent coffees, teas and lunches with large picture windows over the bay (or outside on the terrace). Admittance is free to National Trust for England and Scotland members.

1 hour by car. From Taynuilt take the A85 to Oban, go through Oban and follow the A816 to Lochgilphead. 45 km south of Oban it is signed to your right. Dogs not allowed.

Ardkinglas Gardens – 01499 600 261

A garden that claims to have the tallest tree in Scotland. It’s on a hillside, with several lengths of walks. Admittance by honesty box. The garden is part of the Treeshop establishment, open all year. Guided walks are available during May to August.

1 hour by car. From Taynuilt take the A85 towards Crianlarich. Turn right to Inveraray after Lochawe Village. Turn right towards Glasgow in Inveraray. The Treeshop is next to the Loch Fyne Oysterbar on the left after a few miles. The garden is a few miles on on the right.

Crarae Gardens – National Trust for Scotland – 01546 886 614

This garden was saved from permanent closure by the National Trust for Scotland (2002), and is fully open again. See rododendrons and azaleas in their endemic landscape. Set amongst a bubbling stream with several marked out routes, this garden is very different. Wheelchair access for a small route in the gardens. Basic refreshments available. Dogs not allowed. Allow at least 2 hours to look round.

1 hour by car. From Taynuilt take the A 85 towards Crianlarich, and turn right after Lochawe on the road to Inveraray. Turn right in Inveraray, and continue past the village of Furnace for a few miles. The gardens are signed to your right.

Ardchattan Priory (pronounced ard-hat-ten) – 01796 481 355

The priory dates back to the 13th century of the Valliscaullian order. The grounds are under the Gardens for Scotland scheme (entry by donation – free entry to priory).. Normal opening times of gardens 1 April to 31 October 0900 to 1800. Has disabled toilets.

35 mins by car – Turn towards Oban out of Taynuilt. Turn left to double back on yourself over the Connel bridge towards Fort William. Turn immediately right after the bridge, signed to the village ‘Bonawe’. Go along here for about 4 miles, and it’s on your left.

Ardmaddy Castle – 01852 300 353

This is just before the Island of Seil, tucked away off the beaten track. There is also a lovely walk in this area going south past a ‘wishing tree’, which is covered in two penny pieces that have been pushed into its bark onto a deserted highland village.

45 mins by car – Turn right towards Oban from Taynuilt. Go through Oban, and head south towards Lochgilphead on the A816. Turn right to Easedale, but before the Bridge over the Atlantic you turn left (it’s a straight on really), where the road bends to the right. It’s up this track.  Sometimes they sell fresh organic produce from their gardens and greenhouses here.

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